
Fooled, By an 8 Year-Old

     It was a peaceful evening and everything was in order. When, out of nowhere, my sister yells out: “Prashan drew a mustache on all my posters!” you might I think that I would, but this time, I actually didn’t… so while explained to my mom that it wasn’t me, and it was probably one of my sister’s irresponsible, immature, little friends, she grounded me for “lying” to her and for “insulting” the monsters my sister calls “best friends”. So while I stormed off to my room, I was thinking of the most devious plan.
     As most of you know, there are some objects that electrocute you when you click on a specific trigger. My sister had a pen that does that. So I had a simple plan in mind, switch the pens that my sister had and place the new, electrifying pen on her desk. That way when I ask her to draw something with a pen (which she usually does), and make her click on her fate….
     After homework; actually, after everything was done, it was time to put the plan in action. I go to my sister’s room and kindly ask her to draw a cow. But, she had the pen on her hand, have I missed the torture, have missed the suffering that would have been witnessed? No, she hasn’t found out about it. I ask her why she doesn’t use the pen I snuck into her desk. She said that it wouldn’t open. I took the pen and clicked onto my fate instead.
     The electrocution had a more stinging effect than I had remembered. I look at her, and she immediately told me her diabolical plan. She knew the pen was the secret object my grandfather gave her, she knew that I was trying to get revenge; she knew that I would click on that pen. After she had told me about that, she ran to my mom and twaddle tailed again. After my mom screamed at me again, I walked back to my room thinking of how prudent I was to fall for a dumb trick….
     I confess that if you try to get revenge, don’t do it because it will come back and bite you in the ass; 3 times harder. So I’m pretty much confessing that I’ll never try to get revenge on someone… only if it’s necessary.

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