
I Hate It When People Wake You Up

1.       I hate Spanish class. It’s not the teacher or anything; it’s just the language… I prefer English, not Spanish.

2.       I love cheese. I don’t know why people hate it; I mean, it tastes so good, and especially if it’s in say, a burger or hotdog.

3.       Some people love being sick to skip school and stuff; but, I actually hate being sick. You always stay at home; not doing anything at all, always taking medicine which I end up forgetting, and worst of all, feeling like crap….

4.       Okay, so I like little kids and all, but I hate it when they just stare at you like as if their mind has gone completely blank and starts to wonder: “Is that kid 13??”, “Is he taller than me???.”

5.       I hate it when someone (my parents) has to wake me up because I had to wake up at some point. I mean, I don’t care if it’s 1:30 PM or 2:00. Oh and I hate it when my parents send my sis to wake me up. She literally pushes me off the bed, and if that doesn’t work, I guess a little water will work….

6.       No matter what time I sleep in the day, and then the next day or… hours, still make me extremely sleepy. So I’m sorry Mrs. Meadows for not being able to read properly when I have to read at loud….


Memoir Monday-Charging Your Mind

     I walk in Mrs. Brown’s- woops, sorry. Mrs. Meadows room. So it’s a typical morning, and everything seemed to go all right. I here Mrs. Meadows say: “Okay, comparative analysis.” I take my laptop and open it. As usual, Nicholas makes a face to the noises my computer makes- turning on, logging in, successfully logging in, and last but not least, Skype. I open my document, and then Matthew suddenly asks for my laptop. He was holding a USB, so I knew it was because of two reasons:
1.       He needs to print something
2.       He needs to revise something.
     Since I don’t have a portable printer (ruin our lives) I guess he needs to revise. I gave him my laptop for about 20 minutes. Then oh shit, forgot to change the battery plan from high performance, to power saver. So when I got my laptop back, the battery was from 80%, now down to a 34%. Okay, so it might last. After 30 minutes (I think it was 9:28) Mrs. Meadows asks me to read my comparative analysis. I’m sure everyone knows this by now, I hate reading out loud; especially if the work is done by me. So while I was praying for some miracle to happen, I read my topic sentence. About halfway of reading it, my laptop just went black. Laptop has officially gone to forced stand-by and won’t turn on until I put the charger in. After explaining what just happened, I hear Mrs. Meadows words reverberate in my ears: “Bring a charger!” Then I hear the words that I had hoped for: “Time is up”. And I had Matthew to thank for that. So after that day, I learnt that bringing your charger helps your laptop stay alive for the rest of the day, even if it means saving your life by not reading out loud in class. J


Free Spamming For Everyone!

     Okay, homework was done and I still have spare time. I click on Facebook, first post I see is Dyvons: Is there free clothes day tomorrow? I completely forgot about that… so I put in his status (exact words… don’t criticize about the grammar Nicholas): “IDK lemme check”. So I open my Skype. Oh cool, Matthew is online; I’ll ask him. I type: “Matthew, you there??” No answer. I decided to bug him: “if you’re not online, then I’ll spam you, you there?” No answer…. “MATEITO! ARE YOU THERE????” No answer. Then I wrote: “fine then, let the spamming begin” Then I began to write random phrases and letters till he answered. He wrote: “OMFG 140 notifications! Are you crazy” Then I wrote: “Okay so my question is, IS THERE FREE CLOTHES DAY?!?” he answered “NOO, I didn’t go to the freaking meeting… remember?” then I wrote: “whatever”.

     Then my blackberry rang… facebook, someone must have answered. I open up facebook. Stephanie Hue: “ohh no, Anna (well I think it was her because Dyvon had to go and delete all of the comments….) told me that there wasn’t any.” Okay, no free cloths day, got it. Then out of nowhere, AJ comes in and suddenly comments: “I know what we should do, since Dyvon isn’t answering, let’s spam.” Then he spells out spam and a bunch of other words in each comment. So in Skype, mostly everyone involved in the conversation was like AWW CRAP why is it AJ who usually starts to spam when the host isn’t answering. Then we ended up spamming Dyvon until he answered; which lasted about 10 minutes because apparently, Dyvon was online the whole time….


Why Won't You Stop Nicholas!?!?!

     Ah yes, its facebook; a place where people love to be affable or despondent. So I make a simple status (no way for anyone to criticize on) “Go Brazil!!” People, of course, will object to that. Next day, 3 notifications; all from that person, the person who calls himself a sage, the person who causes abhor to everyone in facebook, the irascible person was Nicholas Brands Smit. The person who has to go on an interminable tirade on every status…. Now, why are all critics like this? I mean, if it doesn’t involve you, don’t say anything at all. I open my status; all I can see is a huge profound paragraph (possibly 2 pages long) describing how my status was amiss, and how imperative it is for Netherlands to win. Now I think critics like Nicholas live in a very reclusive life. The only way they can interact with anyone in any way is to criticize on what people say. Now I see people entreating Nicholas to stop haunting their facebook.
     But no, Nicholas has to go on and on how Maradona is a drug abuser and how Argentina is going to play like crap this world cup…. Then when someone finally proves him wrong, Nicholas comes out of nowhere and derives a link from Google; describing how his right, and how the person failed and how he should get a life. Well, critics like Nicholas should get a life themselves… I mean, they complain about how we don’t have a life when the critics themselves are sitting in the computer 24/7 looking for their next prey.


Yes Nicholas, Grammar isn't Everything

1.       I get extremely annoyed when Nicholas has to “criticize” everything that people say, and how he just has to write a tirade just to prove one point.

2.       I hate it when I’m in the bus and people just start singing out loud while the song the is playing. I mean, there are people trying to sleep and people who want listen to their own music *cough* me.

3.       A lot of people think I’m addicted to MW2. Truth is that I’ve actually gotten bored of MW2, and now I don’t play the PS3 much; and when I play, it’s mostly Assassin’s Creed 2.

4.       Okay, so me and my sis got new TV’s. That’s good and everything, but the truth is, I’m actually a bit jealous of her. I’ve got a plasma, and my sister got a TV that is the size of a computer desktop; but her resolution is a lot better than my plasma….

5.       I hate typing with correct grammar. I actually prefer typing/writing with short and easy words, like bcus (because), and yes Nicholas, even if it means to leave out one letter.

6.       So fireworks are nice and everything, but if I’m too close to where they shoot fireworks, I try to run away to a much longer, safer distance. And all because of what to me at camp….

7.      Last Saturday, when I made popcorn, it wasn't a pleasant sight. I almost caught my new microwave on fire; and all because I put the timer to 2 min.



I hopelessly look at my medicine, not finding the energy to get up and to take them after I’ve been tucked in. As the days went by, red dots began to pervade my left and right arms. After one week of complaining about my “red dots”, it even spread onto my face. Even as this irascible rash spread thought my body, I have still ignored my medicine.

     It’s been one week already, one whole week of no school; all, because of this annoying rash. Finally, I decide to take my new “doctors prescribed medicine”. Day by day, the rash began to disappear. By the time day 3 had been instilled into my memory, my rash was gone, school had been a part of my life again, and most importantly, I didn’t sit around my house doing nothing anymore… and I have my medicine to thank for that. That day I learned that medicine actually helped you and wasn’t just a waste of time.

She was Perfect

He stares into her face;
Her eyes
Blue as a sapphire,
And her hair
Was golden.
She was perfect

He wants to move,
He wants to speak,
Yet, he doesn’t do anything.
Now she looks at him.
He hides
His, now red face
She gossips to her friend,
He conjectured,
That it was about him.
The sound of her voice,
Was as sweet as honey.
She now walks over to him.
He tries to run,
He tries to pretend his invisible,
He doesn’t do that.

Instead he looks into her,
He endeavors to make out a “Hi”
But his efforts have succumbed,
As she walks right past him
And flirts, with the other boy.


Wordly Wise Wednesday: Dear Diego...

          Guess Who
Bruce Woodbury Beltway
Las Vegas, Nevada 89081
   September 8th, 2010

Dear Diego,

Hey, what’s up? I’ve got a lot of things to tell you about my trip to Vegas. I guess what I’m about to tell you are stuff I just can’t wait to say. Like how we saw a strip club while we were waiting for the new show called V. By the way, the people in Vegas are so spontaneous. I mean, half the people here are drunk either in the morning or in the afternoon. Oh and I even a met a famous writer who wrote many anthologies.

While I was walking by the streets, there would be people handing out cards that had phone numbers on hookers (I kind of realized this when I looked down at the floor and the saw the cards thrown out). I guess almost no one took the cards and called the hookers because they probably thought that the hookers might be guile towards the caller and steal all of his cash. Then the next day, I saw the same people doing the same thing. From their disposition, I guess that they’ve been doing the same thing every single day; and by the heat that is introduced to Vegas every day, I’m pretty surprised that they haven’t passed out.



Things You Never Knew About Me

1. I honestly think that what we are doing (Confession Tuesday) is really stupid. I mean, who really wants to tell people about their confessions; it’s supposed to be a secret kept to ourselves….

2. Before, people would always call me Prashy. But, as time went on, people started to call me by my normal name… Prashan. Well I admit that I kind of miss being called Prashy.

3. I like to listen to any type of music; except for those retarded Justin Bieber songs, those Jonas Brothers songs…. Pretty much everything my sister listens to.

4. Every time someone tells me a joke, and when they finish saying, I most of the time, pretend to laugh at their jokes. Don’t take it seriously; it’s not you, it’s just that I’m not in the mood to talk/laugh when you say those perverted or the normal jokes.

5. When I put save on this document, my laptop froze. And after 10 min. of trying to unfreeze it, it reboots; where as making me, redo this whole confessions again.

6. I never study for a quiz/test, and I always manage to get an A or B as a result for not studying.

7. A lot of people think that I love math, and they also think that’s one of the reason why I’m good at it, but the truth is, I actually hate math and I find it to be torture for me to do it for homework every single day of my life.

Memoir Mondays: Injections

     I used to think that injections were for when your parents got angry and you got and injection as a punishment. Unfortunately, when I was younger, it would be a coincidence for me to get my parents angry and have an appointment for a blood test or a vaccine the next day or week. I started to realize this when I started to trouble my parents less and less as I grew up. I started to realize that this wasn’t true when I was about 5 or 6 years-old.
     It all happened when I was at home. I was being a good boy, bringing in good grades, behaving good, etc. Then, out nowhere, my mom would tell me that I had a doctor’s appointment (I was sick then). The next day, while we were in the car, I would ask my mom if I had behaved good or bad. She would tell me that I was a good boy and the last time I behaved badly was about 2 months ago….Then I would think that it was a new record and that she’s keeping track of all the things I did bad and, let’s just say, “returned the favor” to her for making her angry….

Finally, I asked her why she was giving me the injections and she told me the truth. The truth about getting an injection wasn’t really because I was behaving badly; but because it was necessary for my health. That day taught me that I didn’t get injections because of my bad behavior, but for my health and for helping me to prevent from getting sick.


Slice of Life Thursday- The Worst P.E Class Anyone Could Ask For

I walk into the gym, talking to Caterina about the small pen she found. All of a sudden, Coach Henter says, “Prashan, give me the phone in your pocket.”

“What! What makes you think that I have my phone in my pocket” I reply knowing that she was right.

Then Eduardo interrupts, “Because it looks like a square in your pocket”. Of course, Eduardo had to be the one who got my blackberry confiscated…. So after she told me that I could get it back at the end of the day from Mrs. Scott, I walk into the big gym; where of course, people were complaining about their confiscated cell phones. Then Coach Dean came to my group (group 3) and tells us that since it’s raining, we have to play Frisbee in the small gym. Okay, we might hate playing Frisbee, but playing INDOORS is WORSE. And it wasn’t in the big gym; it was in the small gym.

So after agreeing to that, and changing our clothes to our usual P.E uniform, we went to the small gym. Teams were picked, everything was set, and we started playing. Then all of a sudden, the 3rd graders show up and mess the whole thing up. So we ended up being in G3; playing ping pong, chasing Alejandro all around the room to get the racket from him, and playing with jump ropes.

I mean, could I ask for a better day….